
How to enroll your child(ren)

Our enrollment process will begin with your application being submitted online.  Access the application by using the following link:


After your application is submitted, it is then reviewed during business hours, and upon approval, you will receive an e-mail that directs you to contact your school to set up a time to bring in the necessary enrollment documents.

PDF Documentation: (for you to download and fill out to return to the WEM School District)
Student Enrollment Form
Student Family Housing Questionnaire
Home Language Questionnaire
Internet Acceptable Use Policy
Image Release Form
Severe Weather or Early Release Form
Field Trip Permission Form

Following is the contact information for each site:

WEM Elementary School, Grades K-4
500 East Paquin Street
Waterville, MN. 56096
(507) 362-4439

WEM Middle School, Grades 5-8
23 Ann Street 
Morristown, MN. 55052
(507) 685-4222

WEM High School, Grades 9-12
500 East Paquin Street 
Waterville, MN. 56096
(507) 362-4431

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