
Staff Wishlists

Teachers and staff teams have created their wishlists on Amazon. These are items they would like to have for their classrooms or groups. Anyone wishing to purchase items as donations to WEM can quickly and easily see what is needed. These lists may be updated at any time. We thank and greatly appreciate all of our generous donors.

Staff Wishlists

Ms. Hanna’s Preschool Classroom

Ms. Alyssa’s Preschool Classroom

Kindergarten Team

1st-Grade Team

2nd-Grade Team

3rd-Grade Team

4th-Grade Team

5th-Grade Team

6th-Grade Team

Morristown Junior High (7th- and 8th-Grades) Team

5th- Through 8th-Grade Bucs Pride Team

Special Education Team

K-12th-Grade Physical Education Team

High School Counselor

Art Department

Reading Intervention for Kindergarten through 4th-Grade

Elementary Music Department

5th-12th-Grade Choirs

Media Center 

Contact: Margo Kulseth

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